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"Your Success in Online Dating Or It's Free!"

Read what others have to say

I've written you before, but just wanted to give you props. Your website is awesome. Thank you, thank you so much. I'm having unprecedented success already.
Gregory W., CA

I decided to help other guys

Once I had solved the "Getting-a-Date" problem for myself and my closest friends, I decided to make the software widely available - on a limited scale.

I want to keep the system working in the future for myself or my friends should it become necessary, and yet make it available to everybody who is honestly interested in improving "their Game".

This is why I decided to limit access to 100 subscribers (such that there is roughly one guy per major US city).

So what is it worth to you to have an expert write your emails for you?

What would it be worth to you to have my year-long expertise right there helping you write your emails?

Think about it... Membership fees, frustration to endure and time spent to develop something that works...

If you had to go through the pains of engineering the rules I have developed, you'd probably spend several hundred dollars in membership fees alone. But let us ignore this for a moment, because you might be using free dating websites...

If we could sell our experiences for they cost us, we'd all be millionaires.
Oscar Wilde

Think about how much time you spend on writing emails to prospects...

If you spend 60 minutes each day for five days a week searching for woman you are interested in online and writing them an email, you might send out 2-3 emails a day. This means you contact 15 woman a week for 5 hours of effort.

That's the amount of work for a part-time job in a month. Hell, you would easily put $500 worth of work into this.

My proven method will not only increase your success, but it will also only take the push of a button per woman you want to contact.

Speaking about working smarter, not harder...

I have all the little rules worked out I had to write a software that makes it insanely easy for everybody to have the success I've enjoyed.

There is nothing similar on the market, because nobody has the rules worked out like myself. None of the other online dating systems I have seen come with a specific set of rules - they come with guidelines.

Let me summarize the benefits of my proven method:

  • The software customizes the emails based on her profile - It crafts Killer Emails That Make Woman Read And Respond To Them
  • The software optimizes the choice of words based on characteristics extracted from the profile you submitted - whether you use the generated as is or just to make sure that you didn't miss anything she wrote about herself ...
  • The software is based on my research and I guarantee that you will get responses
  • The software will save you time. You can send 3 emails to attractive woman in 30 minutes - or 20 in 10 minutes. How much is your time worth?
  • The system is still regularly tested and improved by me - you will always have access to the latest insights, encoded into the software, with no extra work on your part
  • The system takes care of choosing a subject-line that grabs her attention
  • The system will ensure that she can reply to you (at many dating websites woman are not subscribers and can not reply to your emails - unless you know what to do)
  • No complicated installation - the software runs in your web-browser. You don't need to know anything about computers to be successful in online dating. If you can push a button with a mouse, you have all the skills you need to use my software.
  • You can install buttons in your browser (available for Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer) to have easy one-click access to the system - just look up a profile, push the button and an email is generated instantly
  • With the software come "templates" that work and will get you responses.
  • The tracker module of the software will help you keep track of woman you are communicating with; trust me, you'll need some help once you need to keep track of 20 email conversations...
  • Limited availability - this ensures that not everybody will have this unfair advantage of using my software

Learn all the steps - from first email to first date

I'll let you take advantage of my introductory offer - and I'll also throw in my complete online dating guide.

My guide explains every step of the process and many common pitfalls of the online dating process - sending the first email is only the first step. The guide will cover the parts of my system where you can't rely on the computer to do the work for you.

You'll master all the steps from first contact to first date. Also

  • It includes examples of profiles that have worked for me
  • Learn how to pick a photo that attracts attention and where to test the photos for FREE
  • If you are not a good writer you will surely profit from my writing tips. Learn how to build tension with text with plenty of examples that you can cut-and-paste.
  • Learn when to email them - there is a time of the day when there a more woman online than ever.
  • Learn the entire process - from the first email to the first date and beyond.

Surely you understand that I have to limit the access to this website to ensure that it will work for everybody.

Don't be surprised if you come back some day and the price has doubled or that there are no open slots available.

My ironclad 110% money back guarantee...

I'm so convinced that the method I have developed will change your life forever and help you to meet the kind of woman you long to be with.

I'm so convinced of that fact that I'll offer you the following deal: I'll let you try the system at MY RISK.

If you send out 50 emails within 50 days and don't get at least 15 responses, email me and I'll give you your money back.

In that case I'll even let you keep the online dating guide. Keep it as my gift. In fact I'll give you an extra $0.6 for wasting your time.

No questions asked, no hard feelings. We'll still be friends.

Don't decide now, try the product for FREE ...

I'll sweeten the deal even more: If you are still not convinced that this is so simple that even a computer could do it, I'll let you try the personalization part of my software for free RIGHT NOW.

Simply click here, read the introduction and then copy-and-paste any profile of a woman you are attracted to into the form.

You don't need to sign up to try out the free version. You'll then see how the computer personalizes a demo-template to the profile you've submitted.

You can't lose...

Success comes when Opportunity meets Preparation - This is true for so many things in life.

Are YOU ready to meet some ladies online?

Are you prepared for the consequences to your life and say goodbye to date-less times?

I can not possibly make it any more low risk for you.

You can try the personalization part of the software right now without having to register or sign up - Simply click here and see for yourself of how easy this can be.

Whenever you are ready to increase YOUR online dating success go ahead and Sign-up now, because you are protected by my ironclad money-back guarantee: if you don't receive at least 15 replies in 50 days for 50 emails you send out you'll get your money back plus $0.6 - no questions asked.

Click here to order "The ONLY proven, complete Solution for Online Dating that does the hard work for you" now.

Here's to YOUR SUCCESS with online dating,


Order NOW!


Remember to act soon - The number of subscribers is LIMITED. I want to make sure that my techniques keep working in the future.


Remember you can not lose - if you don't get at least 10 responses in the next 30 days for 50 emails you send out, you'll get MORE than your money back - no questions asked.

Order NOW!


Try The Demo-Version

   Just enter your first name and a valid email as your password - then click "Free Instant Access!" button to enter the site. Use the same information when returning; we keep all information 100% confidential and don't share your email with anybody. Please allow a few seconds for the next page to load.

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Please tell us a bit about yourself:  I'm a looking for a .
    I am years old and am looking for someone in the age range.
  I'm looking for a relationship on website.
  I think my greatest problem with online dating is my .
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Signing up for our free newsletter gives you instant access to the demo-version and access to high-value information for free.


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This system for writing online dating emails and generating funny profiles for internet dating websites. We used the experiences we gathered through experimentation and study of existing literature to engineer this system, but you should keep in mind that the system is for entertainment purposes only as we can not warrant that any of this would actually work in the real world for everybody alike. This page is Copyright © 2010. All rights reserved. This computer system (website) is ONLY FOR AUTHORIZED USE. Use of this website, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be used for criminal or other adverse action. Use of this website constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes. Please note that by using this website you are bound by our Terms of Service. Please find our privacy policy in the terms-of-service document. You must be 21 years or older to enter and/or use this website. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions, esp. with respect to complying with the Terms-of-Service of third-party websites.
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