Intermission for now


"Success in Online Dating happens when Opportunity meets Preparation"

"Your Success in Online Dating Or It's Free!"

What if I told you that there is one main "secret" to flirting with woman that you are meeting online?

What if I told you that if YOU understood this secret, and how to use it, that you would know how to get any woman's attention right away in your FIRST EMAIL?

What if with this secret, you could turn anything she is writing back to you into INTEREST and STRONG ATTRACTION for you?

Does this sound unbelievable or too good be true?

Not at all.

I spent a long time finding out what works and it took me a long while before I stumbled over this little piece of information that makes all the difference in the world.

Fact: 57% of men who post ads on an online dating site do not receive a single email.
- Source: Freakonomics

At first internet dating sounds like a gift from heaven. You can sit at home, meet all the babes you want, with no embarrassing "rejections" or confrontations...

   ... Woman approach you, because your profile is just so amazing

   ... You can meet the high-quality Woman that has her life together and has moved beyond the getting-hammered-in-a-bar stage

   ... Life would be good if things actually worked that way.

Does online dating work that way? Like most guys who have tried to meet woman on the internet, you have probably realized it's not that easy. Online Dating sucks ... UNLESS you know how to tweak things in your favor.

Once I "got it", I was receiving replies to virtually all the emails I sent out and was able to have my choice of women.

Before I can teach you this little insight, there's a problem.

You will need to understand how it is for a beautiful woman to put up a profile on an online dating website.

The number one mistake everybody makes is not to consider what it is like to be receiver of dating emails.

Imagine the attention she gets when she is going out with her girlfriends... Every guy is looking at her, trying to come up with something funny to say to her...

On the internet, she experiences the same thing, but worse. One boring email after another...

   "I'm probably not your type, but I thought I'd try anyway. If you'd give me a chance..."

   "Hey there, we have so much in common. We should go out sometime..."

   "Hi, I like your pictures and figured I should write you a message and say hi..."

Do you think I am kidding?

The competition is weak

The fact of the matter is: she receives hundreds of emails. After reading a few, this constant stream of emails becomes a blur because all the guys are writing the same stuff.

Would it come as a surprise to you if I told you that there is a pretty good chance that the last person you've emailed hasn't even read your email?

Fact: 97% of the men who join online dating sites quit within the first 3 months. The #1 reason why is because they were not getting results.
- Source: Jupiter Research

The obvious solution is that your email must stand out from the competition.

Think about what a woman sees first when she goes through her email inbox.

Most man fear walking up to an attractive member of the opposite sex more than death or public speaking. However, trying to explain that to a beautiful woman they desire can be a challenge at times.


Have you ever looked at all those cute woman in the online personals, taken hours to write them and not received a reply? Have you wondered about How to pickup beautiful woman online on the Internet? Are there some magical pickup lines to break the ice?

Online Dating is very time consuming without looking at a few Online Dating Tips first. It can be frustrating, if you invest a lot of time with little return. Many people posted on their blogs that online dating sucks. There are ways to get results with online dating and learn some seduction techniques, and maybe you have tried the online dating hints&tricks from various places, maybe even improved your results, but found that it is still very time consuming to e-mail dozens of woman a day? Many people looked for an internet dating ghostwriter software, means of improving their online dating emails, PUA tools and an artificial intelligence software (or: machine learning based software) that generates emails out of dating profiles. Since the customization takes up most of the time of writing the initial email, I wrote a computer-program (some people call it a Bot or Robot for dating; an Email Generator if you so will) that automatically customizes first online dating emails based on a woman's profile. The software writes a first email for online dating even if she has a meaningless and short profile with nothing to get you started besides her looks. The machine is writing all the ice-breaker emails and does all the work. Basically it does fill in the blanks for you. Writing internet dating emails automatically works well for me given my general email template and gets me responses to my e-mails with very little work on my part. Maybe you have wondered about what to say, what to write, suggestions for a good subject line, how to write a good (perfect?) initial introduction e-mail for dating on-line internet. Or you simply wondered how to write the about myself section in your profile, looking for templates for a profile, a good dating profile intro, what amazing profiles look like or something alike. Learn about pickup artists on-line? Then the following help in dating-techniques is for you. Keep reading to learn some tips and tricks for increasing your success and study the techniques we present in order to start flirting and conversations with beautiful woman. You can also learn about various techniques that work with seduction in online dating such as cocky and funny jokes, negs, pushing and pulling and many others. You can also find a An Introduction to Online Dating, material on how to write amazing profiles, some opinions on How to write the first and following emails for online dating (includes advice&tips on how to start banter and flirt), such as How to setup a date on the phone (some PUA phone game), and the Top Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid. Learn how to recognize indicators of interest (IOIs) when she is writing back.

Other people think that the profile is the one thing that makes or breakes it. I don't think this is true. The things that matter the most are things such as the tagline, the subject line of the first email, the profile introduction, interests listed, the pictures, the main photograph and of course the username. To help people with their introduction - many people find it hard to write about themselves - I created another software utility. Some ideas revolving around profile templates and fill in the blank examples can be found here.

You can also find Online Dating Tips in the manual and learn about first date mistakes to avoid. Keep reading...

Also check out: Techniques for online dating first email samples and  Other online dating programs - related literature

Keep reading...

Learn more about the secret that will make Online Dating work for you...

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This system for writing online dating emails and generating funny profiles for internet dating websites. We used the experiences we gathered through experimentation and study of existing literature to engineer this system, but you should keep in mind that the system is for entertainment purposes only as we can not warrant that any of this would actually work in the real world for everybody alike. This page is Copyright © 2010. All rights reserved. This computer system (website) is ONLY FOR AUTHORIZED USE. Use of this website, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be used for criminal or other adverse action. Use of this website constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes. Please note that by using this website you are bound by our Terms of Service. Please find our privacy policy in the terms-of-service document. You must be 21 years or older to enter and/or use this website. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions, esp. with respect to complying with the Terms-of-Service of third-party websites.
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